...except not. I work at Tin Star. After two whole nights of not remembering my dreams I was starting to get disappointed that I wasn't going to have anything to blog about, but Murphy's Law states that as soon as I start a dream blog I stop remembering my dreams, but we'll see how far we get. Last night I actually had a dream that I remembered a good portion of and without fail Prime Minister made an appearance, as well as his dad, sister, and yes, even his evil twin...
Keep in mind that in this dream for the sake of time, PMD means Prime Minister's dad and PMS (lol, unintentional) means Prime Minister's sister.
I Work at Honeybaked Ham...Sort of...

I start of this dream walking into a Honeybaked Ham, (that's near my somewhat near my house, so it's an actual existing location, unlike the Costco airport) and ask about a job offer. Except somehow I've already been hired because I'm wearing a black apron with the Honeybaked Ham logo on it. I start talking to them about how I already have a job.
"How long are your shifts at Tin Star?"
"About 3 or 4 hours."
"Well that's going to be a problem because all of our shifts are at least 8 hours long."
I am disappointed...but I press on. There's a girl behind the counter counting her tips which is a huge wad of cash, like she's a drug lord. She gives me a dirty look for looking at her fat stack of moolah and I go sit on a black stool in the corner for lack of anything better to do.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand in comes Prime Minister's dad and sister, and their play wrestling, pushing each other around and being goofy, (which is out of character for the dad as far as I know). As soon as PMD sees me he stops dead in his tracks and says, "What are you doing here?" I respond ever so cleverly with, "I guess I'm just everywhere you go." Because I'm not a creeper or anything...apparently my mind has created a past for this dream where I've been running into PMD everywhere I go, including the movies. (Don't ask me why that's the one I remember.)
In comes Prime Minister and PMD smashes PMS' (lol) head on the counter. PM is holding up his shirt in the back because he's recently gotten a tattoo that he doesn't want to ruin. It looked a lot like this...

...but less stupid.
He doesn't notice me until he turns around and sees my face looking at his ugly tattoo, and he says, "I guess this isn't conducive to my religion," and then he walks out. This is when real Prime Minister walks in, he looks totally normal in just jeans in a t-shirt. I keep thinking about evil Prime Minister's tattoo, then I remember that his tattoo isn't surprising because he also has a tramp stamp and a matching black flame tattoo on his chest...sort of like a t-shirt design with the larger design on the back and the little logo design on the left shoulder...which he doesn't in real life.
So I'm bored sitting on my stool and I start scooting around the floor on the stool until I run into Prime Minister and I'm so afraid that the managers of Honeybaked Ham are going to mad at me, that I stop and sit in the corner while, PM and PMD talk for a while. Then they leave and I wake up...they didn't even buy a ham...what jerks.

My Interpretation
- The fact that I got a second job in my dream, I'm sure came from the fact that my dad told me that another place that I had been interested in working in called and said they had an available position and I said, "...I already have a job."
- This could also be from that fact that all of the cooks at work continually ask me whether or not I work two jobs...even though I always tell them that I only work one. Why I worked at Honeybaked Ham, I'll never know.
- The shift length came from a conversation that my step mom had with one of the ladies working at IHOP yesterday when she said that because it was National Free Pancake Day everyone had to work 10 hour shifts.
- Also as a note, this is the first time I've ever dreamed about another member of PM's family. Normally it's only him. The rest of his family being in the dream was just an anomaly. (There was also a part of this dream where his mom appeared but I really don't remember where or what she did, all I remember is that she had really big hair, which she does not in real life. And that most definitely came from watching "The Most Toys", an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation and thinking, "Oh my gosh, her hair is huge.")

Let's face it, this lady's hair could eat Big Foot. As far as this picture, I found TWO pictures of the lady I was talking about with the huge hair...it was either this or a picture of her dying. I obviously chose this one cause her face is hilarious...and I love Data and I think I needed an excuse to put him in my blog...
Which place called you for a job? I hope it wasn't the place where I want discounts because then I'll be mad.
Also, Honeybaked Ham is delicious. Did you know they sell ham hocks? I was happy to know that because I've seen recipes (usually from people like, Hey y'all, I'm Paula Deen) that use them. So I have that little piece of trivia in my head, but why would I ever actually buy a ham hock?
I think there were too many points in this dream that made me laugh out loud to talk about them all. I do think my favorite part is when PMD smashed PMS' (lol) head on the counter. And the big hair lady. Holy crap, that's some big hair. Did I ever tell you about the time I was at a choir concert (one of those big ones with all the schools) and a friend and I were making fun of this girl with really big hair who we had also seen the year before? Then we found out she was retarded somehow and we felt like sinners. But apparently it's ok to make fun of people's hair if they aren't mentally handicapped.
It was Moon's Bookstore, what's a ham hock, you're having a conversation with yourself, and that retarded girl with big hair thing cracked me up.
Ok, I don't care about Moon's. I have no idea what a ham hock actually is. I wasn't having a conversation with myself, I was having a one sided conversation with you.
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