Hi and welcome to my dream blog, here you'll see all kinds of insanity that goes on in my dream world. We all dream and not all of us remember them, but for some reason I more often than not do. I'm going to make an effort here to give you all the detail I can in my crazy dreams. While some of it will remain a little vague because we all know how strange dreams can be, I'll do my best. And I do know that there are people who will think I'm making these up, but trust me, no one has this much creativity when they're awake. Disbelieve all you like, I've no way to convince you until someone invents a dream catching machine, until then, just take my word for it. These are all 100% bona fide dreams that swirl around during my beauty sleep and crack up my family the next day. Anyway to start you all off, I'll give you "one from the vaults". Kudos if you catch my random movie or TV references. It's the middle of the day and I remember only a fraction of the dream I had last night so you get a dream that I had a couple of weeks ago. As far as the people who appear in my dreams, I'll do my best to give you a picture, if not a description of who they are, their relationship to me, and any inconsistencies between their dream character versus their actual character in real life. Also, if I mention you in one of my dreams and I say that you got hit by a car, or you were being a jerk, or a married you, please don't think that these are my real intentions or thoughts of you. The only way you should be offended is if all you did was stand there...you weren't very exciting. So without further ado, I give you...
The Costco Engagement
So this dream begins with me in my house, in one of the downstairs bathrooms putting on make up for my wedding. I'm 18, so that's a little unlikely, not to mention the guy I'm supposed to marry is a guy from my church whom is already married in real life and whom I kind of grew up with, except that he's something like 6 years older than me...I'd wager. His name is John. Anyway, I'm in the bathroom putting on make up with my step-sister Cicely...
...pictured here smelling my award-winning chili. As I'm putting on my make up my main concern is that I want my lips to be sparkly and I'm also to trying to make my eyes smoky, so I've got a stack of colored sparkles sitting next to me and I look down at them and when I look back up all my make up is gone, and no matter how much I put on it all disappears.
Meanwhile everyone who's coming to the party is getting mad at me for taking so long and they're all sitting in a suburban in the driveway, which is not geographically correct in terms of my house versus my dream. The garage/driveway is right off of the bathroom in my dream, in real life it's all the way across the family room and kitchen. I'm hyperventilating because I want to look perfect but people are getting mad at me, so I finally go outside with Cicely and get in the crowded suburban full of people who for whatever reason have now decided to go to Costco. What a bargain. I get in the car but now John is in the driveway (which is not my driveway, it is my friend Rachel's driveway...at the house she hasn't lived in for five years) doing something with a gardening hose, watering plants or something, I'm not sure.
So we leave and get to Costco and John won't talk to me, he's really mad because I took too long to put on my make up, but I'm talking mad like he's acting like I beat up his mother or favorite sister or something. He tells me to push the cart and I decide that I'll do something that will make it impossible for him to be mad at me anymore...I'll push the very hard to control shopping cart so deftly around the aisles that he'll be awed by my skills and love me again.
As I'm getting so absorbed in my task we go to the meat section of Costco which is across the store from the airport...because there's an airport in Costco. I walk up to the meat counter and see a woman by the airport and my thoughts are, "This is my chance to redeem myself, this is how I'll make him love me again," and I get (by the way my make up is on again), I get into sumo wrestling position and I attack this woman in a classic sumo wrestling fight. I win and bash her head into the ground and scream like some crazy primal warrior.
And that's it, I wake up. An abrupt ending for a crazy dream.
My Interpretation
As far as this dream goes I have no idea where any of this came from, it was all completely random as far as I can tell.
Now that you've got some kind of idea how my strange dreams move forward you'll be prepared for the some of the weirder things that happen in the future.
Also, if you're interested, all I can remember from my dream last night was that Prime Minister had a dog with him. It was a small Corgi. I don't know about dogs but I know that he's allergic to cats.

And because I know you care, this is the face it was making.
My interpretation is that you are going to find someone to marry but you have the perception that he wants you for your stunning looks and nothing more. The makeup keeps disappearing because you are worried that he is only concerned about how you look not all the strangeties(Stray-n-jeh-tees) that make up who you are. I am gonna skip a bunch. You end up going to Costco which as known as the Discount Store and store where you can get anything you are looking for(Utah County). You get overly excited by the "MEAT MARKET" and go postal to show "John" that you know what is up. You wake up from the dream because had you not, you would have been shown who was so impressed at the meat market that he could not help but drop to his knees and whip out the ring that he just bought at discount at Costco(that is what he was doing there before he was so distracted by the chaos in the "Meat Market")and that would have just been terrible to have such a spoiler show you who you marry before the actuall appearance. Can't wait to hear the sequel rather in real life or in dream......Just hoping Married John doesn't turn out to be the man who ends up being in the dream.
Ahahaha I love Christine's dreams c8 <3
First of all, who's John? Second of all, I think you should pitch Costco the airport idea. EVERYONE would want to fly at Costco prices. What a bargain. And I, for one, am happy that you included the picture of the Corgi, as it helped clear up a lot about that dream. Where did the PM play into all of this?
Nevermind, I answered my own question about the PM. My reading comprehension must be going out the window since it's been a whole two years since I graduated college.
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