This dream is the second of the two that have Patrick Stewart in them. I don't have a lot of commentary so I'll just jump in.
Dancing With the Soups
So this dream starts out with me on the Enterprise D
as usual...
...and I run into sickbay where I find:

Pulaski, (which makes no sense because I'm a total Crusher fan.)


and Data. Aww, he's blowing you a kiss.
We all run around and have a big tag tickle fight, running around tables, knocking stuff over, laughing, pushing each other into the walls. I fall over and land on top of Data and I'm totally dizzy so I sit for a second then I give Data a kiss and he just disappears. Like disappears into thin air. And I'm like, "Whatever" so I get up and I wander back to the conference room from the other dream. When I run in I see:

As it turns out, I'm married to Captain Picard and we are totally slizzard, like wasted out the wazoo. We're giggling up a storm and we're both pressed forehead to forehead whispering under our breath and cracking up at whatever we were planning. Which was apparently that we were going to break up all of the relationships on this ship.
I'm supposed to go after:

Riker and Troi
and Picard is supposed to break up

Miles and Keiko
and my personal favorite:

Worf and Data.
So then I'm on the floor of some office building buying bread bowls

from a soup vending machine

which apparently is the same place that I'm supposed to buy my Dancing With the Stars team. I'm picking my teams willy nilly not even looking at what they looked like. The whole time my friend Brigitte is sitting there with me:

Who is very pretty.
She says things like "Christine, what are you doing!? You're not even looking! You have to look at they're whole body, do you see how fat they are!? FAT DANCERS! Look how short these dancers are! SHORT DANCERS!"
So to take matters into my own hands I jump into the vending machine and start making people audition for me in person, and I say, "All the gay guys raise your hands."

No one did.
"Come on! Show your pride, if you're gay come stand over here."
So like ten gay guys came to stand next to me and they were all wearing this shirt.

Or variations on these stripes.
They were all really fat too, and I hired two or three of them.
And then some girl complained because I didn't have time to audition everyone individually.
And then I woke up.
My Interpretation
- These Star Trek dreams come from watching way too much Star trek: The Next Generation
- Keiko O'Brien comes from the fact that I actually sat next to Rosalind Chao at Disneyland the other day. She was sitting at a little table in an ice cream parlor on Main Street.
- The bread bowls come from eating two soups in bread bowls in as many days.
- I don't watch Dancing With the Stars so I don't know what that's about.
The soup looks really good right now. And Miles looks like he got beaten with an ugly stick. It's kind of like what mom always says about Goofy. Who would want to get close enough to him to kiss him? That was really mean. Excuse me while I get struck by lightning.
Why does everybody get in your dreams but me? Can I request to be in one of your whacked out dreams....and not die?
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