This dream was a little vague anyway, but it's going to be a little strange to tell because it wasn't very long and I can't remember it very well anyway. I'm just gonna have to jump right in. But I think you guys should know that I am extremely uncomfortable because Circle the Chili Sniffer rubbed Icy Hot on my arm and now it feels like it's gonna fall off. I just want you to suffer as I. And I apologize in advance that there aren't going to be any good pictures in this one because there's really nothing to show....
Frankenstein's Lab
I was in my church building which under dream logic was also my high school which I have not attended in almost a year. The layout was exactly the same as the church, which is interesting considering the most of my dreams never have correct layouts like that. Anyway, I was in a hallway with my friend, Emmie, who is very short, with awesome big teeth, and likes to read and wear fezzes.

I like this can see how big her teeth are, it's also just a pretty picture.
Anyway, we are walking down a hallway and I see a girl that I've known since elementary school, and when I say known, I mean I knew her name, but I was never friends with her. Her name is Charlotte. She's dancing in the ballet dancing, and I realize that she's a zombie. So Emmie and I try to get away and I think that I can trick her by running to a door really fast, then shuffling through the wood floor in my socks and going out the other door that leads to the same hallway but at the other end. It works and I see Charlotte stumbling around looking for me in the other door while I'm safe in the hallway.
At this point Emmie disappears and I find a bunch of people hiding in the gym, so I join them and they're spray painting rebellious phrases on the wall, one of which makes no sense and reads, "To make Frankenstein's lab work you have to make Frankenstein's monster."

...That my friends is a piece of infallible wisdom. I hope you live your lives by it.
And that's it.
My Interpretation
- Zombies and Emmie most definitely comes from the fact that Emmie and I hung out for the first time since Christmas break and we got Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare, and holy crap is it fun.
And that's basically all I've got for ya.
I actually found more excuses than I thought I would to put pictures in this post. But by way of apology you can have a picture of Brent Spiner.

Because Data's cute.
That was a total Scooby Doo escape from that zombie.
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