I know I'm not the only person in the world with cool dreams, sometimes my friends and family come up with some pretty epic dreams, and I think they should be blogged too, but who's gonna open a dream blog for only a couple of dreams? ...me. This morning Emmie texted me a pretty awesome dream that she had last night and I'm going to blog it here. I'm going to give you the text conversation and post some pictures of my own just for fun. We'll see how it turns out.
The Creepy Ferris Wheel

"Emmies are very good finders..."
Emmie: You were in my dream last night, it was really weird.
Me: What was it?
Emmie: I can't tell for sure. But is was like birthday...

Aww, she's one! How cute.
...or your birthday...

This isn't my birthday but I don't have any pictures from my birthday so this is what you get....I'm the girl...
...and we climbed in this ferris wheel to celebrate...

...but there was this creepy dude with us...

Me: Lol
Emmie: Oops, I didn't mean to send yet, it's not done.
That's when I know it would be a good dream. Whenever, "wait there's more" happens, you know it's good.

"One MORE thing"
Emmie: But there was this creepy dude with us and he gave us a remote and told us to use it...
...and we did and then we started hopping to a bunch of different movie universes and I remember we went to the old Alice in Wonderland first...
How depressing...
...but eventually we were in Night at the Museum...
...and Johnny Depp was with us...

...(except is was Seth Rogen...
...we just kept calling him Johnny Depp)...

...and he was just like "Oh, hi there. Wanna look at the T-Rex with me?"
...and that's all I remember.
Me: Omg, that's awesome, I like the Johnny Depp except Seth Rogen part.
Emmie: It was really funny. Like we just stared at him for a sexond and then one of us was like "Johnny Depp!" and we kept calling him that even though it was Seth Rogen.
I don't know about you guys but I think that's a pretty sweet dream. Sadly, it was not mine. If any of you have any dreams that for whatever you reason you want me to blog. Send them to me and I'll guest blog it...all four of you.
Lol I laughed really hard when I read this XD It was awesome.
The Johnny Depp/Seth Rogen thing definitely came from the fact that I always confuse actors and actresses with other actors and actresses. I don't know why I picked those two to dream about, though, they look nothing alike.
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