Alright you guys, as far as we've gotten, Murphy's is winning out, but we are soldiers and we push on through. Plus I have tacos and tacos make me happy. You're going to have to bare with me here, because I only remember certain portions of this dream. Ooo! I just remembered another one! So we'll see where we can get with just a couple of vague details.
The Rush-an Cruise
Alrighty, so first off my family is on a cruise.

Yay. No, not a Disney cruise, I just like Disney. I'm rooming with Cicely - the chili sniffer, (see Costco Engagement), and I apparently am responsible for her actions. Every time we're supposed to be sleeping, we'd be laying bed talking and PMD would bust in. That's right Prime Minister's dad...and only his dad. He would run into our room and gripe at me for not getting to sleep saying things like, "You're rooming with Cicely and she's a trouble maker so you're responsible for her actions. You are an adult and you should act like one!" He was very angry. This happened multiple times, me getting in trouble for what Cicely was doing.
The next thing that I remember in this dream is running around in a parlor of the ship and I ran up to my sister, Ashley who whispered to me (looking very nonchalant), "There's a famous person over there."
(I'm sure Ashley will complain about this picture for some reason, I'm sorry, it's the only one that worked for me.)
"Is it Brad Pitt?"
Anyway, as smiley as she is here, she was very straight faced as I turned in a little circle to survey, I caught sight of the famous person but didn't show any kind of acknowledgement until I turned around.

"Ohmigosh, ohmigosh, omigosh, it's Geoffrey Rush." And it was, making his unamused I-lost-my-well-deserved-Oscar-to-Christian-freaking-Bale face. Apparently Geoffrey Rush is a pretty happy dude cause I went through quite a bit to find a picture of him that didn't look like he'd just won the lottery. If it wasn't that, it was a rape face or a pedosmile, so even though here he looks like he's wondering why maybe Colin Firth isn't wearing pants or something, I promise, it's the best I could do. (And that's American "pants" not British "pants.)
Then I wake up...
I'm sorry that I couldn't give you just a little more but I really don't remember all that much of it.
My Interpretation
- I seriously don't know why I'm dreaming about Prime Minister's parents all of a sudden, but note that PM himself didn't even make an appearance, it was just PMD. In the words of Johnny Bravo, "Wiggy".
- The cruise I'm sure comes from the fact that my family (except me), are going on a cruise this Saturday.
- I'm really paranoid about getting in trouble whenever Cicely and I go somewhere, because she can't drive yet, I drive her around when I want to go do stuff and her mom always wants her home in time to study, so I'm always afraid that I'm going to get in trouble because Cicely was out too late. I'm more than sure that that's why I get in trouble in the dream.
- Geoffrey Rush should have won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for "The King's Speech", but somehow he lost to Christian Bale. As much as I love Batman, he is very undeserving of an Oscar. I keep thinking about it lately so I'm sure that's why he was there. Why I asked if it was Brad Pitt, I'm not sure. Maybe because I keep wondering if we're related because we've got the same last name...
I don't care about that picture. My face looks skinny. Also, where are they cruising? Also, who is cruising? Also, why is everybody taking trips everywhere except my house?
Who is that sister of yours? She's Hot!!! I am in your family. We aren't going on a cruise. Where are they going? I am not gonna give my interpretation on this one because it would be a spoiler on your future life.
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