I think the more I mention Murphy's the greater strength it has to cling to my subconscious. In this particular dream I can't remember the actual storyline but I do remember one or two events of the dream and a person who was in it for a split second, so you may have to fill in the missing details on your own.
All I Wanted Was a Donut

This dream begins with me working where I actually work, Tin Star. And for the most part the layout of the restaurant is mostly the same but it's a lot larger and behind where there would normally be a row of booths was an extremely large ramp that led up to something like a second level observation deck. In the words of Graham Chapman, "I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so anyway..."

I chose the picture of King Arthur cause that's probably the most recognizable portrayal by Graham Chapman for those who aren't avid Python fans.
"So anyway" there was a whole table of guys at a booth and they all started telling me how many plates of what that they ordered even though they all had all of their food. It was extremely confusing, and the whole time there's some guy at the end of the booth who keeps bothering me about how he wants a donut to dunk in his coffee...which we don't sell.

By the way it was a coffee donut like this, not a real donut.
Guy 1: We had two two taco plates, three one taco plates, four fajitas, etc...
Guy 2: We need to see the receipt
Donut guy: Can I get a donut?
Guy 3: How much money did we spend?
Me: I can look at your receipt and see how much you spent
Guy 3: You should know how much we spent
Guy 1: and four quesadillas...
Me: You have all your food you don't have to tell me what you ordered.
Donut guy: I just want my donut...
Me: Yes, sir.
Guy 2: Where's the receipt.
Me: You have the receipt.
Donut guy: *grabs my arm and speaks quietly* Please...I just want the donut for my coffee...
The conversation continued like this until I finally was able to get away and start bussing some tables on the other side of the restaurant. There was one table that was completely covered in tiny little yellow scorpions.

You seriously don't know the will power it took me to put a picture of this scorpion up here, I am deathly afraid of and grossed out by bugs of any kind and this is no exception.
One of the scorpions stuck to my shirt as I was walking back to the bussing room with all of my dishes and the rest of the dream is spent with me trying to get it off. And the whole time, doing nothing that I remember but standing in the back smelling a rose was Morticia Addams.

This one.
Then I woke up.
My Interpretation
Absolutely none.
The Morticia Addams part is insanely random. Kind of like when Quentin Tarantino was stalking me on a spaceship. I grossed out on the scorpion picture too. And I was sad to not see Graham Chapman in drag.
Also, I thought you should know that my word verification was "reterd." What reterds. They can't even spell retard.
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